Natural Coloured Cotton

Natural Coloured Cotton (NCC) is a sustainable cotton brand that follows the principles of triple bottom line and focuses equally on profits, people, and the planet. SAMA^Verte, in partnership with Pilio Group, has been growing brown and green NCC in Punjab and Balochistan with various institutional partners as well as small farm holders.

NCC has immense environmental and social impacts within the cotton supply chain as it eliminates the need for dyeing, thereby saving huge quantities of water, energy, and chemicals, and reducing carbon emissions. Furthermore, being a novel concept, it gives farmers the opportunity to earn a higher cotton rate than traditional white cotton, thereby providing potential for improved livelihoods and innovation.

SAMA^Verte identifies and creates relationships with relevant partners throughout the value chain, including farmers, cotton research institutions, and environment conservation organizations. The organization is involved in all parts of partner identification, contract formation, cotton processing (including ginning, spinning, weaving, knitting), and product development. SAMA^Verte also assists in product design and conception while providing its services in conceiving a holistic business model that integrates the essential elements of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) as the core philosophy of all its activities and actions.

As women are an integral part of the entire cotton value chain from working on the fields to stitching and manufacturing, SAMA^Verte also identifies and works with relevant female handicraft producers for handwoven fabrics and products. Overall, NCC is an innovative and sustainable approach to cotton production that promotes both environmental and social sustainability.

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