MEPS and Labels for Cold Chain Appliances

CLASP and SAMA^Verte Supports National Efficiency Policy for Visi Coolers and Horizontal Cooling Cabinets

There were an estimated 1.4 million visi coolers, 2 million domestic chest cabinets (fridge-freezer and freezer only units), and 0.35 million commercial chest beverage refrigeration units in Pakistan. The number of these refrigerated units steadily increased, and that trend was expected to continue in the coming years, with a projected growth of over 5% annually. Due to the high ambient temperatures for much of the year and associated energy use, there was significant potential for energy, carbon, and cost reductions with proper policy intervention.

Approximately 90% of visi and beverage cooler purchases were made by large beverage and food companies, mostly international. Although they purchased the units, these companies were not responsible for the electric bills of the shops where their drinks and frozen products were displayed and sold. Consequently, energy consumption of these products had not been a priority until recently. The domestic market was significantly large, with over 225,000 units produced for this segment every year.

NEECA, PSQCA, and CLASP/SAMA^Verte worked together to introduce the first energy efficiency policies for horizontal cooling cabinets, following SAMA^Verte’s completion of the visi policy work.


National Policy Developments

Horizontal Cooling Cabinets

The development of three types of horizontal cooling cabinets, namely side-by-side fridge/freezers, freezers, and beverage coolers, was underway, and the inaugural stakeholder workshop took place in Lahore on 28 June 2022.

Visi Coolers

Three stakeholder engagement workshops were held during the visi regulatory development process. We tested several visi products to collect real-time data on their energy consumption and performance, which informed the final policy proposals.

CLASP and SAMA^Verte submitted the final policy proposals to NEECA and PSQCA for their consideration and approval. If adopted as is, projected electricity costs savings to shopkeepers will total over PKR 160 billion ($900 million) by 2030. This equates to approximately 7.3 TWh saving in electricity, and 2.9 million tonnes of CO₂  emissions avoided.

Further information is available here 

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